Questions & Explanations Stress Test
In the following you will learn why exactly the questions of the test were asked:
Question 1: How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
If you feel rather tired and unrested, this is often an indication that you are deprived of energy during the night. This in turn is usually an indication that you are also sleeping in a field that vibrates lower than you do. Say a water vein, a fault line and a crossing point of the so-called curry grid (has nothing to do with the spice:) Your body then tries, without you being able to influence it, to compensate for the energetic deficit, and you thus lose energy. This is a purely bioenergetic process. You can find more info about this in my blog under “Negative entropy and its effects”
Question 2: How do you describe your sleep through behavior?
If you sleep through the night in a relaxed manner and are rested in the morning, this is a good sign. However, if you constantly wake up at night and feel a restlessness (a kind of “tremor”), you can be almost sure that you are either also sleeping in a stronger disturbance zone such as a fault or a Benker-Kuben line – or are exposed to strong external stresses such as LTE radiation from a transmission tower, DECT, WLAN, or radar frequencies. Or possibly react sensitively to wind turbines in the vicinity. These emit infrasound waves below 20Hz and have a strong disturbing effect. You almost can’t hear them, but you can feel them subtly.
If you have to go to the toilet unusually often at night, your pineal gland – and thus melatonin production – is disturbed. This so-called “chief hormone” controls the entire hormone balance and is responsible, among other things, for cell regeneration and reproductive ability. In addition, it controls the inflow into the urinary bladder and, when disturbed, leads to increased urinary pressure as well as to bedwetting in children.
For the pineal gland to function and for melatonin production, it needs darkness at night. Electrosmog as well as strongly plus-polarized earth radiation zones, however, are interpreted by the pineal gland as daylight and thus cause a disturbance.
Question 3: How do you describe your sleep quality?
Heavy night sweats are also a sign of radiation exposure. Especially electrosmog often causes increased sweating at night. Very often observed with strong exposure to alternating magnetic fields (traction current, high-voltage lines, radio alarm clock, ground wire at the house, electric floor heating …). But also aggressive high frequency fields, such as DECT, LTE and WLAN can be the trigger.
Question 4: Do you often have tension?
Pain in the back, legs and joints is also usually a sign of geopathic disturbances. Especially back pain occurs very often, among other things because the human being, as a radiation fugitive, intuitively tries to avoid the interference zones, and thus does not lie relaxed. It is also possible that the slight electrical potential differences located on earth radiation zones, with a bit of bad luck, can cause exactly certain muscle contractions, as they are consciously triggered, for example, during stimulation current treatment.
Question 5: Do you have any other pains at night/morning?
Joint pains as well as all rheumatic complaints are also intensified by the presence of earth radiation, but especially also by electrosmog and radio pollution. Often they disappear a short time after shielding, interference suppression, or minimization of the causative agents.
Headaches and night sweats are usually a sign of electrosmog pollution. Especially older DECT cordless phones radiate very strongly at 2.4GHz and are very harmful. But also unshielded house power lines can contribute to headaches – especially in the head area. In many bedrooms, electrical outlets are interconnected in the wall behind the bed. And often at head height. If metal is then additionally installed in the bed, there is a further danger of capacitive coupling and one can sometimes measure very high LF (low frequency) values.
If the head area lies exactly on a strong geopathic interference zone, strong headaches and migraine attacks are also often the result.
Question 6: Do you or your children twist in bed at night ?
As already described in one of the previous points, the body usually instinctively tries to avoid goepathic interference zones. With children you can see this very clearly, already because of their size. If your child regularly twists in bed, it is usually a sure sign of a geopathic interference zone, such as a water vein, fault line and a crossing point of grid systems.
Question 7: What kind of lighting do you use in the sleeping area?
Alternating electric fields can couple to the body. A great – and often underestimated danger – comes from bedside lamps. Metal lamps in particular often generate high alternating electric fields. Sometimes these fields even increase when the lamp is switched off. As a layman – and without the appropriate measuring equipment – this is often difficult to determine. If lighting is integrated directly into the bed, the values are often very high because the cables are usually laid unshielded in the bed frame at head height, resulting in massive coupling.
Question 8: Do you have technical devices in the bedroom?
As described in the previous point, electrically operated devices generate low-frequency electrosmog. This can couple to the body in the form of alternating electric fields and massively disturb the organism. Likewise, power supplies of cell phones or older clock radios cause alternating magnetic fields, which can also become very strong in the direct vicinity of the head. It is also possible that one of your neighbors has a strong consumer active directly behind your bed, which then couples with you through the wall.
Question 9: What kind of bed do you sleep in?
If you sleep in a waterbed, for example, this is usually heated at night. Likewise, the frame is usually made of metal. Due to the electric heating in the bed, there is often very strong low-frequency electrosmog, which disturbs the body sensitively and can lead to various symptoms. A metal bed is also a good conductor of radiation. Fields from lamps, alarm clocks or other devices, can easily couple to a metal bed and greatly increase the NF values. If you sleep in a waterbed where the heating is deactivated at night, this is usually not a problem. A bed made of wood – without metals – is usually the best choice.
Question 10: Which slatted frame do you use?
Similar to the beds, it is the same with the slatted frame. An electrically adjustable slatted frame is usually actively inserted. There is therefore a continuous tension that is applied to the body. When measuring body tension in bed, values of several thousand millivolts of tension can often be measured in the body. This is very high. Manually adjustable beds usually have metal hinges to which fields can again couple.
Question 11: What kind of mattress do you use?
Innerspring mattresses have metal integrated in the form of springs (even modern box spring beds!). Alternating electric fields from the floor below, through cables in the floor, the wall, or through various devices can couple to these springs. These springs also serve as antennas for high-frequency microwaves from the environment. A heated mattress itself generates very high electric fields. Futon, foam, or latex mattresses are the least likely to expose you.
Question 12: What kind of alarm clock do you use?
A radio alarm clock generates, through the built-in capacitor, alternating magnetic fields that can easily reach the strength of a medium-sized high-voltage line in the immediate vicinity. Although these fields quickly dissipate at a greater distance, they are often very strong in the bed area.
A network-active cell phone used as an alarm clock searches for free networks at regular intervals or connects to available cells. It should always be switched to flight mode in the sleeping area and not be connected to the power supply. An analog or radio alarm clock usually poses no danger.
Question 13: Do you have a cordless phone (DECT)?
Cordless phones emit highly aggressive pulse-modulated microwave radiation. Usually at 2.4GHz, in the human biological window. Newer devices have the so-called Eco Plus mode, in which only during the phone call is “radiated”. Most older devices, on the other hand, are continuous radiators. These frequencies are very harmful and cause a number of complaints.
Question 14: Do you use WLAN?
Just like DECT, WiFi consists of pulse-modulated microwave radiation, which is very harmful to us. Experience shows that the network is not quite as aggressive as DECT or LTE, but strong enough, for example in an experiment by a school in Norway, to repeatedly hinder the growth of cress and eventually kill it when it was positioned next to a WiFi router. It is best to turn it off at night (also make sure that no hotspots remain active, as is often the case today with Telekom and UnityMedia).
Question 15: Do you have a baby monitor next to your bed?
A baby monitor usually transmits at 2.4 Ghz in the same frequency as WiFi, cellular or Bluetooth. This means a baby monitor can put a lot of strain on the body. Especially if it is permanently active. Low-radiation baby monitors only activate when there is movement or noise and then quickly switch off again. We recommend such low-radiation baby monitors from the company Allen Care.