Geopathic Stress Zones - The Biggest Lever For Our Health!

They are literally everywhere and affect us - but almost no one knows it.

From my experience of many years with far over 1200 examined sleep areas it can be said with certainty that eliminating geopathic stress, is the largest lever, which we can set for our health. There is nothing that weakens and stresses the body in a similar way as the permanent stay on stress zones.

Sebastian Krueger | Building Biologist, Naturopath

From my experience of many years with far over 1200 examined sleep areas it can be said with certainty that eliminating geopathic stress, is the largest lever, which we can set for our health. There is nothing that weakens and stresses the body in a similar way as the permanent stay on stress zones.

Sebastian Krueger | Building Biologist

What Are Geopathic Stress Zones?

An what are the doing with us?

Geopathic disturbance zones or stress zones are areas in nature that have a different bioenergetic vibration than the local environment. The majority of known geopathic disturbances vibrate much lower than we humans do. Accordingly, staying on these zones drains our energy. These stresses lead to weakening of the body and eventually usually to serious illness.

In addition, the stay on geopathic disturbance zones causes stress for the body, brings the homoestasis – i.e. the equilibrium and the self-regulation of the body out of balance, and provides for a permanent production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. This in turn leads to a number of health problems. 

Not least because the body is poisoned by the permanent production of cortisol, overacidified – and thus creates an environment that is optimal for the development of viruses, bacteria and cancer, as the German physician Dr. Otto Warburg already recognized in 1931 and received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for it.

Where Can We Find Geopathic Stress Zones?

The answer is simple and is “everywhere”. In building biology we evaluate 5 different phenomena that lead to geopathic stress, and they can be found almost in every house and apartment. Due to the level of frequnz of the radiation of the zones, they cannot be shielded by solid materials or substances and pass through all materials unhindered. That is why we find them even in the penthouses of the highest towers and it is basically pure luck whether we have our bed on such a zone or not.

In nature, we can often observe the presence of geopathic zones in the growth of trees and bushes, because many plants try to avoid the weakening zones by first growing diagonally out of the zone before they start the natural growth upwards.

In our homes, it is mainly the sleeping areas that should be free of geopathic stress zones. The following photos are from the houses of my clients. The different interference zones are marked with different colors. However, all of them are stress zones that are harmful to us and have caused massive health problems in some cases.

How Can Geopathic Stress Zones Be Detected?

The knowledge about the existence of geopathic disturbance zones is very old, but unfortunately the subject is not given the attention it deserves in medical circles. By taking this subject into consideration, many diseases would heal by themselves.
Presumably, this is because for centuries the only way to detect geopathic disturbance zones was to use a divining rod, and thus there were often discrepancies in the testing of different dowsers.

Today, however, we can find and define earth rays – i.e. geopathic interference zones – in a reproducible way with the help of a resonance test with a bio-resonance device. Likewise, the bioenergetic qualities can be determined with the help of the so-called metric radiesthesia.

Common Symptoms Caused By Geopathic Stress:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Tension
  • Back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Headache / Migraine
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Decline in Performance at Work
  • Lack of Focus
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Nervousness
  • Constant Tiredness
  • Rapid Exhaustion
  • Chronic Faquite Syndrome (CFS)
  • Unfulfilled Desire to have Children
  • Miscarriages
  • Bedwetting in Children
  • ADHS / ADS
  • Food Intolerances
  • Learning Problems in Children
  • Allergies
  • Heart problems
  • All Types of Cancer
  • Rheumatism
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Susceptibility to Infections
  • Depression Psychosis
  • Weight Problems

What Happens In The Body During Geopathic Stress ?

Every living organism is in a state of equilibrium or self-regulation – homeostasis. In this state, all physical and physiological systems work without interruption.

Geopathogenic stress disturbs homeostasis, the body begins to adapt and tries to restore balance.

If the influence of geopathogenic stress is not persistent or intense, the body manages to maintain balance for some time. And if at this stage geopathogenic stress is recognized and eliminated, the body gradually recovers completely and no more serious changes occur.

The two most important factors in this are:

  1. The stay on geopathic disturbance zones drains the body of important vital energy

  2. The body is stressed and thus the vegetative nervous system is disturbed and kept in the so-called sympathetic nervous system. This is the attack and flight mode of the body

Geopathogenic stress affects almost all aspects of human existence, worsens the quality of life, deprives a person of joy and self-satisfaction, disturbs a person’s emotional peace and balance, and often jeopardizes interpersonal and family relationships.